Theme: Dynamic secure and sustainable society

Society faces multifaceted challenges, which need to be tackled in order to foster inclusive societies, maintain economic growth and welfare, ensure security, and promote sustainability. In the context of a dynamic and changing world environmental, geopolitical, and technological transformations are changing the conditions of societies along multiple dimensions. Uncertainties and risks are evolving and vulnerabilities are increasing and give rise to new insecurities while exacerbating existing patterns of inequities.  

Possible topics to be pursued under the theme

  • Increasing security in geopolitically vulnerable and risk prone societies

  • Maintaining dynamism and innovation while meeting the challenges of security and sustainability.

  • Mitigating the distributive consequences of climate change or other environmental transformations. 

  • Building inclusive and sustainable cities 

  • Resolving conflicts between stakeholders due to new changes in society

  • Addressing sustainability challenges of dual-use technology, as more innovations have both military and nonmilitary uses. 

In this theme, we bring together researchers who are keen to investigate these fundamental global challenges. Participants will share a common commitment to solution-oriented research on these broad challenges, while having distinct and complementary specializations in terms of disciplinary training and subject expertise. We welcome participants from a range of disciplines, including in the social sciences and policy studies as well as relevant science and engineering fields, etc. These participants will be prepared to contribute to a project that uses multidisciplinary approaches and takes a mix of methods.

Dedicated mentors for this theme

Erik Mobrand, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University
Yongsung Cho, Food and Resource Economics, College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University
Annica Kronsell, School of Global studies, University of Gothenburg