Theme: Precision health

Introduction and possible research topics
Establishment of methods for improved monitoring of health and disease and early novel individualized curative treatments.

 Precision health holds promise for improving healthcare results, but also presents major challenges, such as ethical considerations, access and equity, resource allocation and integration into existing health care systems. Ensuring that personalized healthcare approaches are accessible to diverse populations, minimizing disparities in healthcare outcomes, and navigating ethical concerns associated with genetic and personal data are some of the key challenges. Unlocking the full potential of precision health also requires harnessing digital technologies and advancements in healthcare engineering. How can we effectively utilize these resources to achieve precision health?

Another challenge for precision health is cost and how to make treatments accessible globally. This relate to assuring that medicine developed is early on designed to be effective and safe for as many people as possible, but also the cost of manufacture and potential new business models.

We welcome applicants from multiple research fields that are interested and can contribute to the theme, to apply.

Dedicated mentors for this theme
Chulhong Kim, Department of Electrical Engineering/Medical Science and Engineering, POSTECH
Hong-Rae Kim, Department of Convergence Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University
Johan Rockberg, Division of Protein Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Åsa Johansson, Depatment of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University